Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Kids

Abby and Connor are both pretty darn cute, they definatly melt Kate and my heart on a regular basis! Seems like Connor will soon be catching Abby in height and weight! He is growing Very fast right now. They both enjoy walks around the neighbor hood and Abby likes to walk our dog Dave with the leash when she is able, and or not pre-occupied with the goings on around her! She has found she can say many new words, although she like to twist these newly found joys into her own forms, basically its alot of jibber jabber but every once in awhile she places a few words (yes small sentences!) in the proper place and surprises her mom and I! Connor has been hitting a couple of milestones himself, one for sleeping in his our crib and the other for length (almost all the way through the night these days), his sister was a great little sleeper, maybe we lucked out with him too??? Kate has taken to making wonderful homemade pasta, I have been told abby helps, to what degree is in the eye of the beholder I would think! Whatever it is, it has to be cute!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The First Entry

Today is a regular Tuesday during the summer, Kate is at home with Abby And Connor, I am at work! There is a doctor appointment for Connor today, his first one, Abby should be along for the ride and "helping" mommy! Well at least trying really hard for an 18 month old, still cute as a button Abby seems to have a definate attachment to her brother. Always rocking him or getting his pacifier when needed or not, gotta love her! Connor seems to be getting along with the outside world right now, he tends to have a big opinion on his surroundings, which we are still trying to get the hang of. Kate tries very hard day in and day out to juggle her new found summer vacation with our new family additions, as well as other daily needs even Daves (our doggy), It is a job in and of itself to keep up with Abby at home all day! Gotta respect how wonderful a mom she is!